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Every person can benefit, especially if you are dealing with a (medically diagnosed ) condition such as:
lateral and medial epicondylitis is tendonitis of the common extensor tendon and common flexor tendon in the forearm. Symptoms of this condition is often weakness - tingling - pain in the forearm, wrist and fingers. This condition often times mimic the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome, is a condition where the carpal tunnel in the wrist narrows due to overuse, injury, and inflammation. Symptoms of this condition often times is pain - weakness -numbness - in the wrist and/or fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome can mimic the symptoms of tennis elbow and nerve entrapment in the shoulder.
Headaches can occur for a multitude of reasons. One of the often overlooked causes, is trigger points in the head /neck/shoulder area. (Janet Travell MD.) describes trigger points as a tight nodule or tender point within a muscle belly that refers pain in a predictable pattern. Many of the headaches that people experience are generated by these trigger points. Massage and stretching can have profound effects on alleviating them and preventing future ones.
Frozen shoulder symptoms are pain and loss of range of motion in the shoulder. people with this condition will often complain that they can no longer reach back to pull a seatbelt across their body. This limited range of motion and pain can adversely affect a persons quality of life. While surgical intervention is often required in advanced cases, orthopedic massage and AIS can benefit the client greatly if treatment plan is started before the shoulder joint has experienced too much damage.
Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve becomes compressed in the vertebra i.e (bulging disk) or vertebral subluxation. These scenarios will require medical or chiropractic intervention to help remove the compression from the sciatic nerve. People that drive long distances such as truck drivers and policemen and those that sit on a wallet in their back pocket are likely to experience sciatica symptoms. Where Orthopedic massage and AIS can help is when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed in the deep hip rotator muscles (piriformis). Active Isolated Stretching can isolate and stretch the deep muscles of the hip, specifically piriformis and relieve compression of the sciatic nerve
Shin Splints is a condition where the periostium of the tibia (shin bone) becomes damaged due to impact from running, improper gait, kicking a soccer ball etc. This condition can wreak havoc on anyone who is active in sports, running or standing their feet for long periods of time. Active Isolated Stretching can benefit greatly in the recovery of shin splints and the prevention of future injury
Plantar fasciitis is an extremely painful condition where the plantar fascia (large tendon) responsible for keeping our arches elevated becomes damaged and inflamed. This condition is extremely painful and is very difficult to treat. People that have this condition often complain of pain in the foot, usually behind the ball and/or in front of the heel when first stepping out of bed in the morning with pain decreasing throughout the day. Achilles tendonitis is inflammation on the bottom or rear of the heel (calcaneus). this condition is extremely painful when stepping down on heel, standing for long periods of time and walking/running. This condition is also difficult to treat due to the fact that it is this part of the foot that bears so much of our weight. Orthopedic massage and AIS can help in the treatment and prevention of these conditions by stretching and strengthening the posterior lower leg muscles.
Almost every occupation places its own unique strain on the human body. For instance, a carpenter may develop problems with tight forearms due to gripping and swinging hammers. Electricians and drywall tapers are prone to trouble with shoulders due to working with arms raised above their head. Flooring trades workers are susceptible to knee and hip issues. Truck drivers have issues with hips and neck and people that sit at desks all day develop a myriad of issues including carpal tunnel syndrome, low back, neck and hip issues. All of these problems can be corrected and prevented with proper ergonomics, massage and stretching regimen. Sitting is considered by many health professionals as the "new smoking". We are constantly in a hyper flexed body position for too many hours per day. Give Active Isolated Stretching a try and see how it can help you.
Stretching and massage goes hand in hand with physical and occupational therapy. If you have recently had surgery, be sure to ask your doctor how massage and stretching can assist your recovery.
I heard someone say recently, "we don't get older, we get stiffer". I have seen people that were full of vitality during their working years get sedentary in retirement. It took years off of their life. The body was created for motion. As we sit, our muscles get shorter, tighter and weaker. Pretty soon it becomes difficult to stand up from a seated position. This oftentimes creates a vicious cycle that keeps people parked on the couch indefinitely, and takes years off of ones active life. Stretching protocols can change this. Once the body feels free, people are more apt to exercise, to get outside to move the way the body was intended.
Virtually every professional athlete has a team of trainers that work with them on a daily basis. Some even have trainers and therapists that travel the world with them. Clearly, pro athletes see the benefit of massage and stretching. While the average person may not have a team of trainers at their disposal, it is worth their while to consider their bodies a sound investment. Athletes at all levels have been using Active Isolated Stretching for the better part of 50 years. Muscles that are healthy, loose and balanced will give the athlete vastly improved performance and reduced injury. Dancers have unique issues themselves. Poor turnout from tight external hip rotators can cause compensation injuries usually found in the knee joint by the dancer "cheating" and externally rotating their tibia. Other injuries dancers suffer is ankle sprains/ toe joint problems like painful bunions. AIS and massage can help by identifying the tight over used muscles and relaxing them lengthening them and strengthening synergistic muscles.
The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.